fold challenge 2023 Archives - The FOLD

fold challenge 2023

Updates on events, submissions, volunteer opportunities, and the monthly FOLD Challenge.

For FOLD Images: 2024 Media Gallery

For press interview & ticket inquiries: Katie Saunoris | KSPR

In honour of Asian Heritage Month, May’s reading prompt is mystery or crime fiction by an Asian Canadian author. Just a warning that these books touch on difficult topics such as murder, death, and complicated family relationships.    1) The Conjoined, by Jen Sookfong Lee (Available on Audible Canada) Social worker Jessica Campbell is only...

1) Another Nirvana, by Archna Sahni These poems explore the meaning of home and belonging and a search for transcendence through love and art. They reflect on what it means to live between cultures and continents, question traditional female roles, ponder over the role of art in life. The poet’s search for home leads her...

By Alya Somar 2022 was a record breaking year for new permanent residents to Canada. Over 400,000 new permanent residents chose to make Canada their home. With so many Canadians, comes so many stories. Migration stories from all across the world are highlighted in this month’s FOLD challenge, fiction and nonfiction books about immigration journeys....

By Meg Wheeler Now that the longest month of the year is over (goodbye, January!), I’m excited to welcome February, and with it Black History Month. For February’s Reading Challenge, we’re focusing on speculative fiction written by Black Canadian authors. The selected titles for this month offer something for everyone: a poetry chapbook, the first...

By Amanda Leduc Welcome to the 2023 FOLD Challenge! This year, we’re starting our year off with debuts–debut books from Muslim authors, to be specific. The recommended reads for this month cover a wide range of genres from poetry and short fiction through to novels and non-fiction. We’ve even popped in some bonus content to...

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