february challenge Archives - The FOLD

february challenge

Updates on events, submissions, volunteer opportunities, and the monthly FOLD Challenge.

For FOLD Kids Book Fest Images: 2024 Media Gallery

For press interview & ticket inquiries: Kids Program Coordinator, kids@thefoldcanada.org

By Toni Duval In Canada, Freedom to Read Week is February 18-24 and this year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary “representing 40 years of dedication to freedom of expression, a fundamental right of all Canadians”. This month, the Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD) is highlighting texts that have been challenged in Canadian schools. For...

By Monica Tang To celebrate Freedom to Read Week from February 18-24, 2024, this month’s challenge is to read a book that has been challenged in Canadian schools. These are a few of many books that Canadians and others have tried to remove from schools and libraries, deeming them offensive or inappropriate for certain audiences....

By Alya Somar 2022 was a record breaking year for new permanent residents to Canada. Over 400,000 new permanent residents chose to make Canada their home. With so many Canadians, comes so many stories. Migration stories from all across the world are highlighted in this month’s FOLD challenge, fiction and nonfiction books about immigration journeys....

By Meg Wheeler Now that the longest month of the year is over (goodbye, January!), I’m excited to welcome February, and with it Black History Month. For February’s Reading Challenge, we’re focusing on speculative fiction written by Black Canadian authors. The selected titles for this month offer something for everyone: a poetry chapbook, the first...

By Toni Duval This month we are highlighting speculative tales written by Black Canadian authors. This is a broad category that may include science fiction, fantasy, horror, apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic, or alternative history stories. We want to encompass stories that look to the future while also recognizing stories rooted in the African diaspora. With the...

By Alex Platt If you’ve been looking for a slim read you can finish in an afternoon or evening, are stuck in the middle of too many books, or have fallen out of the habit of reading daily, this month’s FOLD challenge has you covered. We’ve selected four novellas and short books by authors from...

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