FOLD Kids Challenge 2023 Archives - The FOLD

FOLD Kids Challenge 2023

Updates on events, submissions, volunteer opportunities, and the monthly FOLD Challenge.

For FOLD 2025 Images: 2025 Media Gallery

For media inquiries: Katie Saunoris,

By Emmy Nordstrom Higdon For the last month of 2023, we’ve decided to highlight books that explore mental health and illness. All of the books that we’ve decided to highlight are by Canadian authors who are from populations who have traditionally been underrepresented in traditional publishing. While the theme is more literal in some ways...

By Ardo Omer This month we’re highlighting books about magic by a Latine/Latinx author for picture book, middle grade, and young adult readers. Putting together this list revealed to us the need for more stories from Canadian Latine/Latinx authors about the fantastical especially the magical for children. In fact, more stories from Canadian Latine/Latinx authors...

By Calyssa Erb This month we’re highlighting audiobooks from Indigenous authors. Indigenous knowledge and stories have traditionally been passed along orally. Through audiobooks, we can engage with new stories in this same way. From the importance of protecting water to questions about life, love and death, these audiobooks will expand your mind and be a...

By Monika Trzeciakowski This month we’re highlighting stories by Black authors from the Canadian East Coast for picture book, middle grade, and young adult readers. From a beach day filled with wonder to learning about Black Atlantic Canadian history, these books will showcase the talent of our East Coast authors. 1) The Summer Between Us by...

By Ardo Omer This month, we’re highlighting books that celebrate queer joy by BIPOC (Black Indigenous and People of Colour) authors for picture book, middle grade, and young adult readers. From a perfect day that’s been interrupted to the magic of drag kings and queens, these stories will help young readers celebrate queer joy. 1)...

By Calyssa Erb This month, we’re highlighting mystery stories by Asian Canadian authors for picture book, middle grade, and young adult readers. From a strange object falling from the sky to historical mystery and futuristic adventures, these stories will keep young readers on the edge of their seats.   1) It Fell From the Sky, by...

By Toni Duval This month we are highlighting books that are either a collection of poetry or stories written in verse. Poetry invites the author to explore large and complicated ideas in only a few words or lines. While these books may use a common format, they address a wide range of themes: history, resilience,...

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