Finding Your Author Voice with Kate Gies - The FOLD

Finding Your Author Voice with Kate Gies


Finding Voice: Uncovering the Mystery of Mood, Style, and Authenticity in Our Writing

Voice in writing can be hard to pin down. It’s a writer’s thumbprint, their personality seeped into the sentences. But it’s also something a writer can manipulate to affect mood and express character.

While plot and story may initially draw readers to a book, often it is the voice of the book that keeps them actively engaged. It is the voice that captivates, connects, and holds the reader through the journey of the story.

In this one hour workshop, we’ll attempt to untangle this elusive thing called Voice. We’ll look at ways to play with voice to capture mood, meaning, and character. We’ll also explore strategies to foster the deep uniqueness that makes our writing ours, and ours alone.

This session will be closed-captioned. Closed captioning provided by Zoom auto transcription.

This session will be followed by a Q&A.

Register for the webinar here.

Webinar Host

Kate Gies is a writer and educator living in Toronto. She teaches creative nonfiction and expressive arts at George Brown College. Her writing has been published in the Malahat Review, the Humber Literary Review, Hobart, Minola Review, and the Best Canadian Essays 2024 Anthology. She is the author of IT MUST BE BEAUTIFUL TO BE FINISHED, a memoir about her childhood medical experiences related to a missing ear.

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