september challenge Archives - The FOLD

september challenge

Updates on events, submissions, volunteer opportunities, and the monthly FOLD Challenge.

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By Rahma Shere People experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways. Neurodiversity refers to this diversity of all people, but it is often used in the context of neurological or developmental conditions that come under the umbrella of a range of differences in individual brain function and behavior traits. In...

By Monica Tang This month we are highlighting books by Indigenous authors that are accessible as audiobooks. We’ve also included a few bonus titles that will be releasing this Fall! The land in so-called Canada is home to many diverse Indigenous peoples and cultures. The following titles feature authors from different nations, cultures, and geographical...

By Calyssa Erb This month we’re highlighting audiobooks from Indigenous authors. Indigenous knowledge and stories have traditionally been passed along orally. Through audiobooks, we can engage with new stories in this same way. From the importance of protecting water to questions about life, love and death, these audiobooks will expand your mind and be a...

By Cat Belshaw As in the United States and Canada, the people of Australia and New Zealand (also recognized by its Māori name, Aotearoa) have been undergoing their own reckoning with the terrible realities that come with living in settler colonial societies. And, as we know well at the FOLD, writers and readers are often...

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