FOLD Kids Book Fest - Educator Resources - The FOLD

FOLD Kids Book Fest — Educator Resources

For educators, we’ve gathered reader and teacher guides, YouTube videos and anything else that’s available for some of our FOLD Kids Book Fest titles! FOLD Kids has also put together educator videos in the Virtual Clubhouse library categorized by Primary, Junior/Intermediate and Teens featuring some of the festival participants.

Bee Bakshi and the Gingerbread Sisters by Emily Pinto
The Disability Experience: Working Toward Belonging by Hannalora Leavitt and illustrated by Belle Wuthrich
The Gnawer of Rocks by Louise Flaherty and illustrated by Jim Nelson
Indigenous Ingenuity: A Celebration of Traditional North American Knowledge by Deidre Havrelock and Edward Kay
Meet Chloe
Mehndi Boy by Zain Bandali and illustrated by Jani Balakumar

Nutshimit: In the Woods by Melissa Mollen Dupuis and illustrated by Elise Gravel
    stay up by Khodi Dill and illustrated by Stylo Starr
    White Riot: The 1907 Anti-Asian Riots in Vancouver by Henry Tsang

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