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FOLD Kids's Blog Posts

Updates on events, submissions, volunteer opportunities, and the monthly FOLD Challenge.

For FOLD 2025 Images: 2025 Media Gallery

For media inquiries: Katie Saunoris,

By Rahma Shere Happy spring! For this month, we’re highlighting three books featuring stories by Sikh authors that act as a means of reclaiming identity and healing. In Jasmin Kaur’s sophomore YA novel, If I Tell You The Truth, a mother and daughter find courage and community to heal as they navigate past trauma and fear...

By Meena Johal For the month of March, we’ve decided to highlight books featuring a mystery by a racialized author. All of the books that we’ve shared are written by authors who are from or reside primarily in North America but represent various backgrounds from populations who have traditionally been underrepresented in traditional publishing. Did...

By Toni Duval In Canada, Freedom to Read Week is February 18-24 and this year it will celebrate its 40th anniversary “representing 40 years of dedication to freedom of expression, a fundamental right of all Canadians”. This month, the Festival of Literary Diversity (FOLD) is highlighting texts that have been challenged in Canadian schools. For...

By Emmy Nordstrom Higdon For the last month of 2023, we’ve decided to highlight books that explore mental health and illness. All of the books that we’ve decided to highlight are by Canadian authors who are from populations who have traditionally been underrepresented in traditional publishing. While the theme is more literal in some ways...

REACH EDUCATORS AND STUDENTS ACROSS CANADA AND AROUND THE WORLD AS A VIRTUAL EXHIBITOR AT FOLD KIDS BOOK FEST. FOLD Kids Book Fest presents one-of-a-kind programming for children, youth, and adults by featuring stories that center a diverse group of Canadian kid-lit authors and illustrators through an innovative multimodal format. The 2023 festival will feature virtual,...

What do you do with a KidLit manuscript when you think it might be done? You PITCH IT.   Submissions are now closed. Deadline was Monday, September 4 at 11:59PM ET. Submit here. Pitch Perfect: KidLit Edition is back!  If you have a draft of a picture book or a book for preteens or teens,...

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